TSO-G- Day 1 - Sneak A Peek
Here at Tinkering School we have a blog for parents, relatives, and friends to see how camp works and how their camper is doing. In the next coming days we will be posting a blog every day on how the camp is progressing.
The campers started to trickle in at around 3 pm, greeted by cookies, watermelon, and fun things to tinker with.
After all of the tinkerers arrived we circle up to discuss our favorite ice cream flavor, spirit tool, and the three rules of camp. 1: Don't hurt yourself or anyone else. 2: If you see a piece of fruit and you want it, you MUST eat it. 3: Every dispute must be resolved through ro-sham-bo.
We then headed up the hill for tool training. The 5 different stations were: Drills, Drill practice, Clamps, Chop Saw, and finally Daniel's Magical Tour (of the worksite).
Alex swings joyfully on the tree swing.
When all of the tool training was done, it was time to train in a different subject: mountain lions and what to do if they come near by you. As you can see above, Kaitlyn protecting herself from mountain lion PK.
Brody's design for a hearth inside the yurts to keep them warm at night.
After a delicious dinner of chicken strips and potatoes, we continue on to the evening activity called sneak a peek! The game was to have one person go look at a structure by themselves, then come back to a team of builders who have the same materials as the structure and try to recreate verbally what it looks like so the teamates can rebuild it.
After dinner we played a couple rounds of some rambunctious card games, have a cup of hot coco, and get ready for bed. Everyone headed to bed pretty early in preparation for a big day tomorrow.