Session E - Day 11 - Literally, Just Let Me Sleep
After a crazy fun beach evening, and a late night drive home, everyone had a bit of a struggle getting up out of bed this morning. But even though the exhaustion level was through the roof, everyone was still up for waffles, eggs, bacon (lots of bacon), and bagel, courtesy of our friend Daniel.
Before heading up to the build site to start another day of the grind, we took a ukelele, guitar, and card games break, just to get our energy levels up. But after about half an hour of chill time, we moseyed on up to the shop, and were greeted with a sight of our beautiful windmill.
Ahhhh. What a handsome structure. A structure that now features a 4 foot couch, and a yellow flag. But we think the couch has been the best upgrade so far.
After our brief windmill sight seeing break, our resident flannel wearer, Jack, opened up the shop, and we got ready to build.
Team potential energy started the morning off with a meeting on the new propulsion design, which instead of dropping a weight to pull the axle forward, the seat with the driver in it will now drop down two pole similarly to an elevator shaft, which will propel the cart forward via the rear wheels.
The windmill team started their morning with a meeting on the windmill blade design. They realized that in order to build an efficient energy source, they would have to feather the blades at the correct angle to generate maximum electricity.
And finally the hydropower team met about their final steps as they are so close to finishing their water hammer!
Now, with plans in place, all the teams kicked into gear and started work!
Micha shows us how it's done on the chopsaw.
Gever shows Frannie how it's done on the table saw. (check out that wheel jig!)
Our newest JC, Owen, shows us how to successfully look gq in safety glasses.
Aside from meetings, some cool visual plans were drawn out as well!
The windmill team's main focus of today was getting the blades setup for mounting. This included attaching the bracing to the main shafts, and feathering the blades.
Potato (Laila) and Onion bracing the blade shafts.
The hydropower team worked all morning to finalize the lashing on their foraged wood water hammer, and finally, after lashing, relashing, waxing, rewaxing, balancing and rebalancing, the water hammer filled up with water, dumped the water into the testing pool, and smashed three almonds! That's one big step for a hand built water hammer, and one small step towards almond butter.
And right here folks, this is when everyone really started to crash. Staff included. Many naps were had on the couch in the windmill, and many small side projects were created that required just enough energy to be relaxing, as well as fun.
Gus reads in the windmill.
Madelyn, after hours and hours of work under the hot sun, finally decides to sit back and admire her achievement of a double action bearing.
It got very late in the day, very fast, and after a while, people started falling asleep left and right as a result of the late beach night. So two collaborators walked a group of tinkerers back down to the conference center and yurts for rest, water, and naps. And any member of staff will tell you, there was a brief moment where we were convinced that 13 campers went missing, but it was later discovered that they were just under piles of blankets, fast asleep.
Tomorrow, there will be another day of hard work, with hopefully regenerated tinkerers and staff so we can flush out that remaining kinks of the projects and then have some time to sit back and admire our work. Stay tuned for more!