Session C: Day 4 - Beach Day
A day without many photos. The morning started with a small but important project of building scaffolding so we can keep working on our 8ft high outer walls. By 11:30 we where getting ready for a new experiment. The beach across the street is lovely, local, scenic and so many things. But the sand is steep at the water edge and after wading just a few feet in it is often too deep and too dangerous to play in. So today we hopped on the Samtrans and rode to Lindemar, one of the safest most fun beaches around. We had so much fun we forgot to take many photos. But there was face painting, wave-fighting, wonderful games off over/under, learning how to wield bull-whip kelp the hard way.
If your curious what we've been up to head on over to our flickr where a major uploading is happening as I type. Hundreds of photos from the first few days are up already.
We sit in benches of our own making.
To work out the plan so we can make scaffolding to keep working on our project.
We try and make sure not a single screw every touches the grass to keep our selves and others safe. But mistakes happen, and big magnetic broom is used to make sure we catch those mistakes.
By 12:40pm we are on the bus headed to a totally different kind of beach day.
The water is calm and cold. The tide is low. We played hard and didn't get a single photo after this one.