The Crank - Session 9 - Day 1
It is officially our last week at Tinkering School this summer! :( :( :(
To finish off what has been an amazing summer, we decided to tackle extremely complex and challenging projects powered by a giant crank.
Project one: A crank powered windmill - since our indoor space doesn't really have a lot of wind, we're going to be relying on the crank to get our windmill spining
Windmill project design meeting.
Project two: A crank powered escalator - while this may not be a human carrying escalator, the crank will connect to our escalator to push objects up a set of moving stairs so that tinkerers can retrieve them.
Escalator project design meeting.
Project three: The crank! - This will be a portable human size hamster wheel that powers all of our other projects!
Crank team starting constuction
An all around successful first day! These projects will be super hard, challenging and most certainly frustrating, but we're prototyping and designing and even starting to build these rad contraptions so things are looking good!