Spring Break Camp 2016 - Day 3
Alex does some upside down assembly.
Pascal and Ella make supports together.
Anton, Ryan and Ryan attach plywood sides to the box they finished framing!
Gautam, Alex and Lana put leg supports on their stairway!
Today the tinkerers ooooooozed confidence. Everywhere we looked there were small teams of kids working on projects without any need of an adult. These kids knew what they were working on, what needed to get done, and how to do it.
Ayden and Eli finish framing the Fruit Stand.
They had so much confidence that they decided that something new needed to be built.
And then they built it.
The Magic Carpet had a crew working on a crate of fruit inspired from the market scene in the movie Aladdin. The kids decided it didn't really make sense to have a random fruit crate laying around, so there needed to be a Fruit Stand.
Ayden shows Eli how to put the finish washer and screws together to attach the awning.
Ayden has been a great partner to other tinkerers and giving demos on how to install new hardware to his group. Today he took lead on this Fruit Stand and with the help from other kids, who trickled in from other groups through-out the day, they conceived of and finished it!
When they were ready to add walls to the frame, instead of waiting around for a Collaborator to be available to supervise them on the Band Saw, they found scraps that fit their needs and used those instead.
A sign from a long ago project named the creation the "Red Band Fruit Stand". More tinkerers were drawn over by the creative buzz of Kid Power and started organizing what kinds of snacks and drinks they could bring from home to stock the Fruit Stand. They decided they could donate provisions to sell, so they could donate to Tinkering School.
And look at this Amazing Fruit Crate!!!