Aquarium! - February Break Camp - Day 3
Wednesdays at Tinkering School are exciting and exhausting. We have figured out how to wield the tools and how to work together, so ideas can come to life quickly and plans change as soon as we can think of a better way to solve the problem.
Winne and Elise test out using screws and washers to attach jellyfish guts. Fabric and drills are tricky.
The next fastener they test is tape!
After trying out knots and a staple gun, these tinkerers decided staples were the strongest and most efficient way to hang jelly guts!
Henry and Mohan test a block and tackle rig to hoist the Jellyfish.
What happens when we try and keep the ropes separated by tape!?
Time to skin the fish! Is this wood flexible enough?
Fish team decided to go with the extra stretchy, extra silky fish skin.
Over at the Castle Lincoln is assembling a pulley to raise the port-cullis they made in one afternoon!
Katherine tests the knots that will keep the portcullis from cutting any tinkerers in half.
More photos on our Flickr account!