Video Games Maze - Weeks 4 -6 - Boys & Girls Clubs (Mission Clubhouse)
The Mission Clubhouse is on a mission! Our life-size Video Game Maze is taking shape and soon we’ll be ready to test it out! The past two weeks have been fun-filled and action packed for our three groups. ”The Water and Sky” team finished the frame of their two tunnels and are starting to add walls and secret doors. “Can’t Touch the Ground” team finished the frame to their elevator and added a door as well. Next they will be working on their pulley system for lifting it up into the air! The “Boss Toss” team also finished their suspended track (think candy claw machine) which will move the ghosts back and forth through the sky as it chases us trough the Video Game Maze!
Noehmy uses the band saw to cut the floor for the elevator.
Javier cuts pieces to finish the elevator frame.
Team work! Noehmy, Elias, and Javier carry lumber together to the chop saw room.
Elias attaches the floor of the elevator.
Kai and Elias add structural supports.
A job well done! Javier and Noehmy test out the movable door/entrance of the elevator.
The “Water and Sky” team think about how they want their tunnels to connect together for their underwater maze.
Ailey uses a handsaw for the first time :)
Bella rocks it on the drill…
And on the jigsaw with Sarah too!!!
We are on the move!!!
It’s week six and the pieces are coming together. Today our group made some giant leaps forward with their life size video game maze and we celebrated by taking turns flying down the zip line elevator at the end of the day!
The “Water and Sky“ team finished the sides and roof to one of their tunnels and the second one is almost finished. Soon we will have the secret passageways and connections between tunnels completed. and the tunnels are turning into a Elias and Bella brainstormed on some decoration themes to create a night sky and a bubbly, underwater environment. Stay tuned to see where these secret passageways lead!
The “Can’t Touch the Ground Team” has taken off! With doors and pulleys adjusted and attached their elevator is ready for the zip line. Check out these fun test runs!
The Boss Toss team attached more of their Pac-Man style ghosts and soon they will be flying and chasing us all around.
Check back soon to see more exciting progress and be sure to visit our Flickr page for more photos of all the action!