Train Bridge - Week 8 - Boys & Girls Club - Mission Clubhouse
Another week of hard work and play, and our train/bridge is getting veerrry close to testing phase!
Our weekly roundup discussing our plans for the day. Wouldn't be complete without snacks!
Our bridge team decided to build some side rails for the roadways to prevent potential derailings. On behalf of all future passengers, we thank you!
After discussing design ideas, the group settled on using long 2x3s as the rails and cutting short support pieces that could be screwed into the rail and the side of the roadway. Simple and effective, often the best combo!
In the picture on the right, Jasmine practices toenailing a screw (drilling it in diagonally). Sometimes, this is the only good way to attach two pieces of wood.
While the roadway construction crew was working hard, the train car teams made lots of progress as well. You may have wondered these past weeks if the cars we going to be Flintstone mobiles with no floors...but fear not for splintered feet, floors are on the way!
We saw lots of great collaboration again today: measuring, carrying wood, cutting etc. Tinkering together is a ton of fun!
With a little sanding, the floor boards were ready for installation.
Testing out the hinged entry door on the back of the shark car.
The taco and rowboat cars got some love as well and are nearly ready for their own floor installations. Next week we'll be ready to install the wheels!
This could be a good photo candidate for a caption competition :)
With all the progress made today, we are on target to install some wheels next week on our train cars. Then let the testing phase begin! You may want to check back...maybe...might be sorta might see kids rolling across a bridge in a shark...just saying... :)