Wednesday After School - Day 1
Today was tool training day for our Wednesday group!
An important part of being safe is having the proper safety gear for each tool. This usually means safety glasses ALL the time.
Evan and Silas make sure their safety glasses aren't too big!
For the chopsaw we need earmuffs and...
An adult!
While using the chopsaw is something that the kids practice on their own. The drills are a great opportunity to collaborate and to try harder on your own.
At the end of the day we asked the kids to raise their hands if they had a story about accomplishing one of our Tinkering School goals: Collaborating with others, Trying harder than usual, Learning from mistakes, and Building something bigger than yourself. Everyone could think of one moment when they had accomplished one of our goals and most kids had done two or three of them!
We are off to a great start!